Undergrads Might Be Bringing More Than Laundry Home With Them

For many homeowners, just hearing the word “bedbugs” is enough to make them wince. A bedbug sighting can ensue panic within a household, due to the psychological fallout of waking up in the morning to tiny, and sometimes painful bites all over your body.
As many students are returning home for the holiday break, now is the time to consider an action plan if you find yourself dealing with a possible bedbug issue.
Ditch Questionable Furniture
Sure, that couch you found on the curb your sophomore year served you dutifully last semester, and it even might be comfortable. But the reality is that secondhand furniture from unknown origins serves as an ideal Trojan horse for bedbugs to gain entry to your home. If you can help it, avoid bringing home upholstered furniture, box springs, and mattresses from your university.
Quarantine Your Laundry
After you come back from a trip or come home from college, treat all of the clothes you brought home with you as though they could have been exposed to bedbugs. This means running them through a hot wash and dry cycle, as well as keeping them separated from your other clothes for a few weeks. Especially if you really do suspect that you were exposed to bedbugs, your clothes should be put in a clear plastic bag and treated with strips specially made to eliminate bedbugs.
Clean Luggage, Totes
The luggage or baggage you’re using to bring your laundry home in also needs to be thoroughly cleaned after moving to or from your university housing. Make sure to vacuum the interior and exterior of your luggage.
Calling In The Professionals
Despite careful preventive measures , it’s still possible that you and your home may encounter this troublesome pest. If you find yourself with a bedbug issue this summer , call in the Professionals from JP Pest Services. Our team has the equipment, experience and training to successfully eradicate this pest problem. Contact us today for a free estimate or more information about our services.