Squashing Multi-Family Pest Problems At The Source

There is no doubt that multi-family residences are especially prone to pest infestations. With multiple entry-points, a continuous cycle of move-ins and move-outs, and more room for error, multi-family homes run the risk of housing many unwanted tenants. The more pests start to feel at home, the more your tenants will start to look for another of their own.
When Pests “Feel At Home” You:
- Risk the spread of diseases and infections
- Face possible litigation
- Pay expensive repair costs due to property damage
- Lose money due to unpaid rent and/or empty units
When Tenants “Feel Invaded” They:
- Voice complaints to you and other tenants
- Terminate leases
- Tell the local community, damaging your reputation
Lease renewals are good for your reputation, pest problems could ruin it. What may seem like the most minor of issues could be the invitation you never meant to send to pests, and they will RSVP. If pests are allowed in one unit, they will spread to more. Proactivity on your account will not only help you keep your tenants, but it will ensure that they are comfortable in their residences.
Close The Doors Right In The Face of Pests
Don’t let dark crawlspaces and walls light up with vacancy signs for traveling pests. From drying out areas of heavy condensation to (literally) closing the doors, there are a number of ways to make sure pests never feel welcome.
Water Sources
Fix that leaking pipe before it becomes the waterpark entire families of pests have been searching for all summer. If water is building up where it should be free-flowing (in drains, roofs, gutters, pipes, etc.) it is only a matter of time before dangerous mold builds up and pest breeding grounds form. You can avoid some pest and mold removal situations by fixing pipes, increasing air-flow to areas of heavy condensation, and immediately replacing water-damaged wood.
Don’t leave the door open for unwanted guests. From the foundation to the roof, your building should be sealed tight at the seams. Damage to frames around doors and windows can provide, quite literally, the perfect window of opportunity for pests to infiltrate. Routinely inspect your building for potential problem areas, and have your tenants notify you as soon as they take notice of a possible opening.
Cheeses have many smells that often determine the complexity of their flavor and you should consider this when inviting friends over for wine. What you really should consider is that, while some friends might think your selections were too bold, other uninvited friends like mice, rats, and other pests appreciate all of the choices equally. It may seem hard to enforce rules about cleanliness to your tenants, but by increasing pest awareness and performing routine maintenance on air-ducts and HVAC systems you can work towards odor and pest elimination.
Monitoring Waste
Recycling and waste programs within your buildings should follow a strict protocol that stresses the need for cleanliness. Containers that are discarded into recycling should all be washed in order to lower the risk of food-seeking pests. Bins should always be lined with bags to avoid residue buildup, and should be emptied as early as possible. The longer things sit around, the more time you give pests to find a seat.
Don’t Let DIY Solutions Cause More Problems
It isn’t the responsibility of your tenants to attempt to solve a pest problem that they believe is only in their unit. Make sure you closely monitor your building and have your tenants contact you at the first sight of a potential problem. If a problem arises, JP Pest Services offers minimally invasive pest management solutions. Our multi-family property protection provides effective pest control with the least amount of disruption for your tenants. All multi-family protection plans are customized based on a property’s specific needs, tenant circumstances, and risks.