June 21, 2016 / Commercial Pest Control

Pest Issues In The Restaurant Business? No One Has Time For That.

A woman smiling calmly, sitting inside a dimly lit café.

Restaurant owners and managers are famously busy individuals. Inventory needs to be managed, schedules must be made, and customers must always be appeased. Something always seems to be on fire (literally and figuratively), and there simply isn’t enough time in the day to handle everything.

But when pests of any kind raise their heads, everything can grind to a halt, costing you both time and money. Here are some of the most common pests that can throw a wrench into the works of your restaurant: 

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Flying Insects

The proverbial fly in the soup of restaurateurs the world over can also quite literally be a fly in the soup. Flying insects, while not necessarily a referendum on your dining location’s hygiene, can be incredibly off-putting to customers. Depending on the time of year, these buzzing annoyances can take the form of house flies, mosquitoes (think outdoor seating), and even wasps should you be so unfortunate. All of these and more can wreak havoc on your diner’s experiences.


The bane of any enterprising restaurant owner, the dreaded cockroach can put you on all the wrong lists. And when you discover one cockroach, you’re likely to find a whole lot more. Serious cockroach infestations can end even the most highly rated dining location if the infestation isn’t handled promptly and correctly.


Rodents infest homes and businesses for many reasons, but for restaurants it usually comes down to their food stores. Whether through a persistent pest, or carelessness of humans, pantries can become an oasis  for rodents looking for both shelter  and food. Being careful to properly seal and package food before it’s prepared is critical to ensuring these long-tailed uninvited guests never get a foothold in your business.


Whether it's  seagulls or pigeons, birds won’t only make it a point to hassle your customers, but will leave an unsanitary parting gift on your property before they go. Birds can cause serious hygiene problems for restaurants that aren’t equipped to deter their food-seeking and nesting behavior. It’s all fun and games until generations of birds are determined to transform your pristine patio dining area into their personal lavatory.

These are just a small sampling of the types  of pests looking to crash the party in your restaurant. The best way to deal with them? Contact JP Pest Services for a FREE consultation of your restaurant.

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