September 22, 2015 / Commercial Pest Control

Commercial Fly Control: Why Businesses Need To Take Fly Control More Seriously

why businesses need to take fly control more seriously

To most people, flies are nothing more than a nuisance. A few flies in the office or kitchen should not be cause for immediate concern. However, fly activity that’s on the rise due to rapidly increasing populations requires action. Flies are globally prevalent, and are among the filthiest pests out there. Flies that carry bacteria or fungal spores can pose a serious health risk to employees and customers.

When fly populations increase in your business, the risk for spreading disease, damaged reputations (think online reviews!), and profit loss all increase as well. Since there is no blanket solution that works for every different problem, you will need to enlist the services of an experienced, professional pest control expert to provide the best recommendations for your specific business type and situation:

  • Food Contamination. Flies can transport bacteria or viruses from waste, decaying material, or fungus, and inoculate any organic material where they land. Even without directly landing on food supplies, flies can spread disease through their excretions.
  • Rapid Reproduction. Some flies can lay more than 1,000 eggs in their relatively short lifespan, which can cause a nuisance pest problem to escalate into a far larger headache for businesses. After hatching, flies develop into fully formed adults in as little as 7 days, and are ready to reproduce.
  • Your Reputation. It should not be a shock to any business (especially restaurants and retail food facilities) that people are revolted by pests landing on them or worse, their food. Customers hold the power with the transparency and ease of online reviews, to damage a business’s reputation with a single post or update with #fliesarenotagarnish.
  • Profit Loss. Aside from irritating your staff and driving customers out the door, flies can also lead to health code violations and regulatory government fines. In rare cases, fly issues have even been known to cause establishments to close permanently. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies (FRSA) in a facility’s food or non-food areas constitute a Health Department violation, and repeated violations can be cause for termination of your business.

Have questions about keeping flies out of your business? Contact JP Pest Services today for a free fly control consultation. Our service professionals understand the specific requirements to keep New England businesses free from unwanted pests and are dedicated to solving your pest problems, including proper training for all your employees.